Specialist After School Clubs
Langley Hall Primary Academy believes that children benefit from having the opportunity to experience a wide variety of activities to encourage the learning and development of new skills. It would be impossible to provide all of these experiences within the school day and therefore our After School Specialist Club Programme allows children to select activities that interest them most and develop skills further under the guidance of our Specialist Teaching Team. Specialist Clubs are held at both of our school sites.
Clubs are booked via our school intranet system, Laser. Charges for clubs will be added to the school payment system before the start of each term and are payable in full, in advance. Please note: the School makes no refunds for non- attendance or in the event of school closure, for any reason that is beyond our control.
You can find the list of Specialist Clubs on offer at Langley Hall during 2024-2025 in our Extended Day & Year Brochure.
To find out more about our Specialist After School Clubs please contact Abisa Sivakumar at abisa@lhpa.co.uk or 01753 580516 option 4 for further information .
Extended Day & Year Brochure 2024