Langley Hall Primary Academy

Personal Development

Here at Langley Hall Primary Academy, we very firmly believe that every child will have the knowledge and understanding to conduct themselves in a suitable manner from an early age. Our extensive and broad curriculum is SMSC based, with a strong emphasis on personal deveopment. Our lessons all include activities that encourage the children to practise and rehearse these skills which are an integral part of our day to day school life.

The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of an LHPA child becomes the over-arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum. We pride ourselves in making certain that all our children are consistently aware and actively involved in their own personal development. They are encouraged to participate in community activities, and regularly support local community activity events, including Remembrance Sunday and singing Christmas carols to celebrate the turning on of the local lights at Christmas. Such events are embraced by pupils and staff who actively show interaction between themselves and the wider community, promoting active citizenship skills.

Langley Hall Primary Academy is very much a community and society that is whole-heartedly at ease with itself, and we encourage our pupils and staff to be themselves and to acknowledge each other for what they. There is a sense of welcome, a feeling of belonging and a sense of security as you walk through our school gates. This shows how we are a school that is very much aware of the need to respect, love and care for everyone with whom we come in contact.

We ensure that our children have continuing opportunities to explore beliefs and other faiths; feelings and values; enjoy learning about themselves and others within the world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences. Our children learn what is right and wrong and to respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and are able to offer personal points of view.

All Langley Hall pupils are given opportunities to learn and use a range of social skills that encourage participation in the school community and beyond; to appreciate diverse viewpoints and respect each other; to participate, volunteer and cooperate and to resolve conflict. Extensive opportunities are given to explore and appreciate cultural influences; to appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; to participate in cultural opportunities and to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

At Langley Hall Primary Academy, we believe that we are successful in cultivating polite, resilient, well-mannered and confident young people who are suitably equipped to go out into the world with confidence, showing and sharing their skills to problem solve and conduct themselves in an exemplary manner.

Read about SMSC as a core curriculum here.
