At Langley Hall, we recognise that the opportunity to experience a different language and culture has a powerful influence on a child’s development. Studies have shown that learning a new language from early childhood has multiple benefits:
- Enhances literacy skills
- Improves memory and brain function
- Helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Fosters respect and understanding of other cultures
- Improves overall performance at school
- Creates employment and career opportunities
- Enhances travel experiences
Our aim is, therefore, to provide our children with the opportunity to explore a new language and its associated culture and traditions. We want them to experience the joy in learning a new language and be motivated by the opportunities that language skills can bring them in the future.
Teaching and Learning
The two main languages taught within the school are: French and Spanish.
Children in Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 learn French. In Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 children learn Spanish. This coverage gives the children an opportunity to develop language skills from studying the Latin-based languages. They are taught in weekly sessions that develop vocabulary through speaking and listening, songs stories, games, and interactive activities. We make the lessons fun, engaging and practical.
At LHPA, the Languages Curriculum has been planned with reference to the National Curriculum: Languages Programmes of Study, as well as feedback from the pupils. A broad range of topics (with a strong link to our Year Group IPC themes) are covered, giving children a wide variety of vocabulary to help them in their daily life and to support them with a smooth transition to learning languages at secondary school. The younger children develop their oral skills and as they grow older more written skills are encouraged.
Opportunities for all
We are fortunate to welcome children and families from a wide range of cultural backgrounds with many languages spoken. Children's home languages are celebrated, and we make reference to these through MFL teaching, encouraging children to explain similarities and differences with French. Those for whom French is a home language are encouraged to be ‘expert assistants' in class lessons, with challenges to extend their written skills if their spoken language skills are already secure.
Beyond the classroom we offer extra-curricular activities to promote languages such as our French and Spanish after-school clubs. Key events in our school year include a whole school Languages Day – a truly exciting and colourful summer term event - and our wonderful KS2 trip to France!